What Is Hip Flexor Strain? What Are Its Signs and Symptoms?

Hip flexors are the group of muscles that connect the legs to the upper body to support flexion movement i.e. to bring the leg or knee towards your torso or bend your trunk towards your hips. The five distinct muscles of this hip flexor group are crucial for lower body movements and also for injury prevention. And yet, hip flexors strain happen to be the most overlooked muscles when it comes to exercise, hence hip flexor strain have become common problems suffered by patients around the world.

What is Hip Flexor Strain?

Hip flexors are the group of muscles that originate at the pelvis and front of the spine and attach to the inside of the upper leg while crossing through the front of the hip. These muscles power the lower body movements and act as spin stabilizers and when these muscles get strained due to either overuse or muscle imbalances, contraction or weaknesses due to tightening or shortening caused by lack of mobility.

Causes of Hip Flexor Strain:

Too much over-use of these muscles courtesy of intensive physical activities like soccer, dance, martial arts, cycling is one of the most common causes of a hip strain. And this is why sportspersons are more commonly diagnosed and treated at our Joints and Sports Clinic in Mumbai by Dr. Chirag Patel. Even underuse of these muscles due to extended sitting can tighten or shorten the hip flexors which when subjected to sudden intensive tasks can cause hip strain. Direct trauma to the hip, rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis are also some of the few causes of hip flexor strain.

Know more at : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/blog/what-is-hip-flexor-strain-what-are-its-signs-and-symptoms/

Specialist Hip/Knee Joint Replacement, Arthroscopy Surgeon Mumbai

Dr Chirag Patel
Specialist Hip/Knee Joint Replacement, Arthroscopy Surgeon Mumbai

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Hospitals Consultation (Mumbai)

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Apollo Spectra Hospital
Surya Hospital

What Is a Labral Tear and How Is It Treated?

The ball and socket joint of the shoulder happens to be the most mobile joint in the human body with the greatest range of motion than any joint in the body. However, the mobility and range of motion come at the compromise of instability i.e. shoulder also is the most unstable joint in the human body. The combination of increased mobility and instability makes it highly vulnerable to the injury which is why shoulder injuries are the most common types of sports injury treated by Joint replacement surgeonDr. Chirag Patel at our Joint and Sports Clinic in Surat. A labral tear is one of such common shoulder problem that results from injury or the normal aging process.

Shoulder Anatomy: Where does the labrum fits-in?

The ball in the ball & socket joint is the humorous, the upper arm that attaches to the shoulder, and the socket is called glenoid formed by the scapula (shoulder blade). All the bones in the shoulder joint are tightly packed by the ligaments to provide stability and avoid dislocation. The labrum is a special type of ligament that attaches itself to the outer edge of the socket just like a rim, to help the ball of the humorous fit tightly into the socket. The second function of the labrum is to provide support for the other shoulder ligaments that are attached to it. So when shoulder injuries happen and ligaments are affected, labrum sometimes get pulled or even torn in rare cases.

Know more at : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/blog/what-is-a-labral-tear-and-how-is-it-treated/

Artificial Meniscus: A Breakthrough Solution for Meniscus Injuries

Artificial Meniscus

Meniscus injuries are one of the most common knee injuries suffered by patients of all ages. The meniscus tear which generally happens either due to physical injuries or natural aging is treated and repaired by the orthopaedic surgeons, but not all the patients are fortunate enough to fully recover due to variety of medical reasons.

But in a major breakthrough, the surgery treatments of Meniscus tears have received a boost with the onset of Artificial Meniscus in to the medical world. What is Artificial Meniscus and how does it help the current knee treatment options? Read on to know:

Meniscus – The cushion to your knee joint:

The meniscus is a c-shaped cartilage structure that sits between the end of the femur and top of the tibia. The Meniscus functions as shock absorbers to cushion the knee joint of femur and tibia. Each knee joint has its own menisci placed to act as a cushion for the joints to protect them from wear and tear….

Know more at : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/blog/artificial-meniscus-a-breakthrough-solution-for-meniscus-injuries/

Four Potential Causes of Shoulder Pain | Dr Chirag Patel

Four Potential Causes of Shoulder Pain 

The unique construction of the shoulder joint which makes it the most mobile joint in the human body with a wide range of motion also makes it unstable and vulnerable to a wide range of shoulder pains and aches due to injuries. While sports folk get their shoulder injury due to the intensive and eccentric shoulder movements, regular people suffer injuries and pains due to wear and tear. So the most common causes of shoulder pain are caused by shoulder injuries and conditions.

Here is the list of four most common caused shoulder pains, we regularly treat at our Joint and Sports Clinic in Surat:

  1. Rotator Cuff Tear:

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles in the shoulder that help you raise and rotate your arm. The tendons which attach the muscles to the bones can tear and make it difficult to perform the shoulder movements resulting in weakness, stiffness, pain during movement and reduced range of motion. This injury is most commonly experienced by the athlete who performs repetitive and intensive overhead shoulder motions and also in middle-aged or older adults who already were prone to shoulder problems.

  1. Frozen Shoulder:

Also known as Adhesive Capsulitis, Frozen Shoulder is characterized by the pain and stiffness that intensifies with time through three stages:

Freezing:  Pain develops when you move the shoulder, worsens over time, limits your range of motion and lasts from 6 to 9 months on average.
Frozen:  Pain may reduce but stiffness can get worse making your daily chores tough. It can last from 4- 10 months.
Thawing:  This is the stage where you get normal, stiffness slowly goes away, so do pain. It can take anywhere between 6 to 2 years….

Know more at : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/blog/four-potential-causes-of-shoulder-pain/

ACL Tear – The Most Common Knee Injury: Symptoms, Causes & Surgery

ACL surgery in Mumbai

Anterior Cruciate Ligament is one of the four crucial ligaments that connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia). The ACL acts like a tiny rope that holds the thigh and shin bone together to provide the stability to the knee joint and help it perform rotation and angulation. Without this ACL, the knee joint is prone to dislocation

The Four Ligaments of Knee Joint:

 The ACL along with the other three ligaments keeps the leg and shin bone together giving stability to the knee joint. Working as a unit, each ligament of the knee supports the knee joint differently:

Located to the side of your knee (inside), MCL keeps the knee from bending too far outward. LCL, found in the lateral side of the knee (outside), prevents the knee from bending too far inward.

The PCL keeps your shin bone from sliding too far backward and ACL resists the leg bone from sliding too far forward in relation to the leg bone….

Know more at : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/blog/acl-tear-the-most-common-knee-injury-symptoms-causes-surgery/

Everything You Need to Know about Femoroacetabular Impingement

Femoroacetabular Impingement

Femur also known as the thigh bone, is the strongest and longest bone in the human body that extends from hip to knee. While the lower end of the femur forms a knee joint with patella and tibia, the upper end of the femur forms a ball and socket joint with the acetabulum of our pelvis.

In simple terms, the ball like the upper end of the femur joins with the cup-like acetabulum to form a hip joint. So now going by the name – ‘Femoroacetabular Impingement’, you might have already guessed that Femoroacetebular impingement is the abnormal condition of the hip.

What is Femoroacetabular Impingement?

A healthy hip is constructed in such a way that the femur head glides smoothly inside the acetabulum. Both the femur (ball) and acetabulum (socket) are lined with cartilage for the prevention of rubbing of the bones.

Femoroacetabular Impingement is a condition caused when either the ball-like femur or cup-like acetabulum develops a subtle abnormality that prevents the smooth and free movement of the joint. This subtle structural abnormality may rub the two bones against each other, limiting the range of hip motion causing pain in the groin area…..

Know more at : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-femoroacetabular-impingement/

3 Simple Exercises to Relieve Hip Pain and Restore Your Hip Function | Dr Chirag Patel

Exercises to Relieve Hip Pain

Debilitating hip pain is the third most common pain experienced by elder adults across the world. Being the center of mass for the body, hip is the joint where our body’s power drivers: glutes, quads and hamstrings come together to help us perform our movement patterns be it for sports or for our daily chores. So when this largest ball and socket joint of the body is underperforming due to pain and aching, your daily life becomes a burden since the hip joint is the engine your body is driven by.

Muscle strains, arthritis, injuries, and inflammatory disorders are some of the possible causes of this hip pain which may sometimes demand hip replacement surgery depending on the situation. If you are young and are free from these medical conditions then restricted hip mobility can be one of the reasons for hip pain. It is important to improve your hip mobility in order to restore your hip function and consequently decrease the hip pain. Being the best hip replacement specialist in Surat, Dr. Chirag Patel has solved thousands of cases of hip pain without need of surgery.

Here are three mobility exercises that can restore your hip function and relieve your hip pain:

1. Knees to Chest:

Sitting knees to the chest is the exercise performed in a seating position for 5 reps on each leg one after another.


  • Sit on the chair with a straight back and relaxed legs.
  • Raise the knee slowly bringing it to your hand while keeping another knee in the resting position.
  • Pull the raised knee slowly towards your chest and hold for 2 seconds.
  • Slowly lower your knee and repeat the same with another leg.

To know more at : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/blog/process-of-using-shoulder-after-replacement-surgery/

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Dr Chirag Patel

Specialist Hip and Knee Surgeon Mumbai
Make an Appointment: https://www.drpatelchirag.com/contact.php#appointmentAppointment Call: +91 7574887777Mail Us: info@drpatelchirag.com

Contact Address:
Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital : Monday – Friday : 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM(Near LIC Colony, Vile Parle West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400056.).

Wockhardt Hospital : Monday – Friday 3:00 PM-4:00 PM(877 Doctor Anandrao Nair Marg Near Agripada, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011)

Gleneagles Global Hospital: Mon-Fri : 04:00 PM – 06:00 PM(Dr. E. Borges Road,Opp. Shirodkar High School, Hospital Avenue, Parel,Mumbai -400 012)

Apollo Spectra Hospital : Mon-Fri :11:00 AM – 03:00 PM( Famous Cine Labs, Behind Everest Building, Tardeo Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400034 )

Surya Hospital: Mon-Fri : 08:00 PM – 09:00 PM(Mangal Ashirwad, S.V. Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai – 400054 )

Sunshine Global Hospital : Every Saturday : 11:00 AM – 02:00 PM (Prior Appointments only)(Surat Besides Big Bazaar, Dumas Road, Piplod, Surat)

Two Most Common Shoulder Injuries Treated by Dr.Chirag Patel

Two Most Common Shoulder Injuries

The shoulder is a complex ball and socket joint with the greatest range of motion than any other joints in the human body. It is also the most moveable joint in the human body that can rotate, lift and turn your arm in versatile directions. While its unique construction gives it a superior range of motion, it also makes it the most unstable joint in the human body.

Shoulder injuries are the most common injuries experienced by athletes who repeatedly perform intensive shoulder movement above their shoulder height (Cricket, Basketball, rugby). The intensive and repetitive shoulder movements can sometimes make the shoulder prone to a versatile set of shoulder injuries. However, there are two specific shoulder injuries that are most commonly treated at our Joint and Sports Clinic in Surat. Read on to know about them:

Rotator Cuff Injuries:

The rotator cuff is made up of 4 muscles and tendons that help you rotate and raise your arm while keeping the shoulder joint stable and secure. So every time you raise or rotate your arm you are using your rotator cuff to perform the action.

Causes of Rotator Cuff Injuries:

Young athletes whose sports include intense and repetitive overhead motions or general workmen like painters whose job entails raising their arm for prolonged periods are more susceptible to the rotator cuff injuries. There are three types of rotator cuff injuries:

  1. Tendinitis: Caused by inflammation resulted due to overuse of rotator cuff (tennis players, painters). Can progress to rotator cuff tear when not treated by an orthopaedic doctor.
  2. Bursitis: Minor injuries and shoulder overuse cause the inflammation of fluid sacs near the tendons resulting in Bursitis. It can progress over time weakening the shoulder joint.
  3. Tears and strains: The tendons that connect muscle and bone can tear and strain due to injury, causing acute to intense pain.

The Patients Perspective on Joint Replacement Surgery | Dr. Chirag Patel

Over the years, Dr. Chirag Patel has made name for himself as the Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Surat for his unparalleled expertise and remarkable record in treating the joint disease and conditions. When asked about his achievements Dr. Chirag has directed us to the patent’s testimonials page, “these are what I consider as achievements”, he says.

So we have randomly selected three joint replacement cases to give you the patient’s perspective of Dr. Chirag’s Joint Replacement Surgery. Read on:

A new lease of life for Manharbhai Patel:
Mr. Manharbhai Patel has arrived at our clinic after seeing a newspaper advertisement about the Knee Replacement Surgery Conference. After suffering from severe joint pain for more than 20 years now, Manharbhai Patel’s knee was severely deformed making his walking difficult for him. It was in the conference he came to know about the knee replacement surgery as he saw patient walking without any support 36 hours after the surgery. After a thorough discussion with Dr. Chirag Patel Manharbhai Patel was optimistic about getting back to his pain-free walking phase. He had his knee replacement scheduled on 02-02-2018 and 3 days later he was walking right in the clinic without pain and any support.

Relieving Mr. Ashwin Kelawala from Osteoarthritis pain forever:
Youngster Ashwin Kelawala was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis which was unsuccessfully treated earlier by his first surgeon. He has consulted Dr, Chirag Patel for the second opinion in 2018 who after the thorough examination has recommended Total Hip Replacement to treat the condition. Ashwin had all his queries solved by Dr. Chirag Patel on the procedure and is right-on with the surgery suggestion. An expert in Hip Replacement Surgery, Dr. Chirag Patel has successfully performed the surgery in mid-2018. After a physiotherapy session following the surgery, Ashwin was able to walk without any support within one month. And it was after many years Ashwin has experienced how a complete pain-free walking feels like. “I will be eternally grateful to Dr. Chirag Patel and his team”, says Ashwin with a glint in his eye.

To know more at : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/blog/the-patients-perspective-on-joint-replacement-surgery-by-dr-chirag-patel/

Visit us : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/

Visit us : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/

Dr Chirag Patel

Specialist Hip and Knee Surgeon Mumbai
Make an Appointment: https://www.drpatelchirag.com/contact.php#appointmentAppointment Call: +91 7574887777Mail Us: info@drpatelchirag.com

Contact Address:
Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital : Monday – Friday : 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM(Near LIC Colony, Vile Parle West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400056.).

Wockhardt Hospital : Monday – Friday 3:00 PM-4:00 PM(877 Doctor Anandrao Nair Marg Near Agripada, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011)

Gleneagles Global Hospital: Mon-Fri : 04:00 PM – 06:00 PM(Dr. E. Borges Road,Opp. Shirodkar High School, Hospital Avenue, Parel,Mumbai -400 012)

Apollo Spectra Hospital : Mon-Fri :11:00 AM – 03:00 PM( Famous Cine Labs, Behind Everest Building, Tardeo Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400034 )

Surya Hospital: Mon-Fri : 08:00 PM – 09:00 PM(Mangal Ashirwad, S.V. Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai – 400054 )

Sunshine Global Hospital : Every Saturday : 11:00 AM – 02:00 PM (Prior Appointments only)(Surat Besides Big Bazaar, Dumas Road, Piplod, Surat)

Knee Replacement Surgery Recovery Tips | Dr Chirag Patel

Recovery Tips for Knee Replacement Surgery

The lower end of the thigh bone (femur) hinges on the upper end of the shin bone (tibia) with the knee cap sliding on the groove forming your knee joint. One of the largest and most important joints in the human body, the knee joint is responsible for supporting body weight and performing fundamental body movements like walking, standing, sitting, running and more.

When a knee arthroplasty is recommended by a knee replacement surgeon to treat the severely damaged knee, the knee surgeon resurfaces the damaged knee joints using made-to-fit prosthetic parts to relieve the knee pain. Knee arthroplasty or total knee replacement happens to be the most common surgery performed around the world today and is also the most successful one at that.

Yet there are many misconceptions about the new knee i.e. recovery after knee replacement surgery among the patients and we would like to clear the air today.

So here are the 6 basic facts about recovery after knee replacement surgery you should know:

Rehabilitation starts right after surgery:

Rehabilitation after the knee replacement begins immediately after the surgery itself. Most of the patients can continue their basic movement patterns like standing and walking using assistive devices.

To know more at : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/blog/knee-replacement-surgery-recovery-tips/

Visit us : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/

Visit us : https://www.drpatelchirag.com/

Dr Chirag Patel

Specialist Hip and Knee Surgeon Mumbai
Make an Appointment: https://www.drpatelchirag.com/contact.php#appointmentAppointment Call: +91 7574887777Mail Us: info@drpatelchirag.com

Contact Address:
Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital : Monday – Friday : 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM(Near LIC Colony, Vile Parle West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400056.).

Wockhardt Hospital : Monday – Friday 3:00 PM-4:00 PM(877 Doctor Anandrao Nair Marg Near Agripada, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011)

Gleneagles Global Hospital: Mon-Fri : 04:00 PM – 06:00 PM(Dr. E. Borges Road,Opp. Shirodkar High School, Hospital Avenue, Parel,Mumbai -400 012)

Apollo Spectra Hospital : Mon-Fri :11:00 AM – 03:00 PM( Famous Cine Labs, Behind Everest Building, Tardeo Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400034 )

Surya Hospital: Mon-Fri : 08:00 PM – 09:00 PM(Mangal Ashirwad, S.V. Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai – 400054 )

Sunshine Global Hospital : Every Saturday : 11:00 AM – 02:00 PM (Prior Appointments only)(Surat Besides Big Bazaar, Dumas Road, Piplod, Surat)